Tragus piercing jelentése

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Tragusz piercing - minden, amit tudnod kell róla Tetoválás - Tatuantes. Mi a tragus piercing? Mint már említettük, ez egy új ötlet szerezzen piercinget. Ez magában foglalja a lyuk kialakítását a tragus nevű részen. Innen származik a neve, és pontosabban szólva, ez az a terület, amely közvetlenül a hallójárat előtt van. Ehhez vékony, üreges tűre van szükség.. Tragus Piercingékszer - A te Tragusod, a te történeted - Bodymod. A fülpiercingek körében a tragus egy apró, mégis mutatós piercing. A tragus a hallójárat előtt található porcban, vagyis a fülcsapban elhelyezett piercing. Nem olyan feltűnő, mint a fülcimpa vagy a helix, ám közelebb hozza arcodhoz a csillogást, így biztosan feltűnik majd másoknak. Mivel a tragus a fülnek egy aprócska .. Étvágycsökkentő piercing: Éhség pont | Slim piercing hatása.. A Tragus (ennek a testrésznek a neve „tragus") egy kis porcos dudor, amely a külső fülön található, valamint egy azonos nevű piercing, amelyet a fülkagyló elülső részén lévő porcon végeznek. Ez a fajta piercing meglehetősen népszerű, és az emberek gyakran választják önkifejezésre és eredetiségük hangsúlyozására.. Mindent, amit tudnod kell a tragus piercingekről. „A tragus piercing egy fül porc piercing, amely a belső fülbe való bejutás," Jef Saunders, gamma-piercing, és a „piercing Biblia Coauthor", a „Piercing Biblia Coauthor". „A szövet technikai neve valójában Tragus, amely az ókori görög tragókból származik, azaz kecske.". Mi a különbség a Tragus és a Daith Piercing között? (Magyarázat .. Tragus piercing : Daith Piercing : Fájdalom : A tragus piercing jobban fájhat, mint a lebeny piercing, mivel a tű mozgása megváltoztatja a szögeket. De a fő csak néhány percig tart. Ez a piercing a mai iparban a növekvő divat. Stílusos megjelenésnek számít az influencerek körében.. Tragus piercing szúrás - Westend Tattoo & Piercing Budapest. A tragus piercing a fül piercingek egyik fajtája, melyet a fülkagyló előtti kisporcba helyezünk be. Többféle ékszer hordható itt, - karika, patkó stb. - de először, szúráshoz kizárólag az egyenes, talpas végű ékszert ajánljuk, mert a gyógyulás ezzel a leggyorsabb.. Tragus piercing, folyamat, fájdalom, fertőzésKöltség és gyógyulási idő .. 1. lépés: 2. lépés: Ezt az ékszert nem szabad cserélni, amíg a tragus piercing teljesen meg nem gyógyul. Más piercingekkel összehasonlítva a tragus piercing nagyon kevés idegvégződéssel rendelkezik


Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy nem érezne fájdalmat a tragus piercingben.. Tragusz piercing: mennyire fájdalmas lehet a legdivatosabb fülpiercing .. Il tragus piercing, porc tragagusnak is nevezik, a fülpiercing nagyon népszerű változata. A fülcimpára jellemző tipikus piercingtől eltérően a ital más ponton történik, mégpedig a kicsiben porcnyúlvány amely elválasztja az arc profilját magától a fültől.. A Tragus piercingek jelenleg mindenhol megtalálhatók - de érdemes venni .. A tragus mindig is az egyik legnépszerűbb fül körüli piercing volt. Bár minden piercing más és más, van valami a jól illeszkedő tragus karikában vagy a kiemelkedő csapban, amely alaposan kiegészíti a meglévő fülpiercingeket - vagy izgalmas, ha szokatlan elsőként szolgál.. Tragus piercing szorongás ellen (Átfogó útmutató). Következtetés Gyakran ismételt kérdések (GYIK): Tragus Piercing szorongás miatt A tragus piercing segít a szorongáson? Milyen piercing enyhíti a szorongást? Miben segít a tragus piercing? Gyorsan gyógyulnak a tragus piercingek? Ebben a rövid útmutatóban megvizsgáljuk a Tragus Piercing szorongást, valamint más kapcsolódó témákat.. Tragus piercing kezelés - Westend Tattoo & Piercing Budapest. A tragus piercing a kisporcba helyezett fülpiercing fajta megnevezése. Ékszer Patkó, Karika, Ajak piercing, Fül piercing Titán ékszer használatával a gyógyulási idő kb. a fele az alább megadottnak. Gyógyulási ideje kb 4-8 hét, ez idő alatt a kezelési útmutatót érdemes betartani. 6000 - 7000 Ft. Tovább. tragus piercing: fájdalom, utógondozás, költség és mellékhatások. A tragusod az a porcikájú, kis porcolás, amely közvetlenül a hallójárat előtt van

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. A tragikus piercingek dühessé váltak, és jó okkal. Ha egy nyilatkozatkarikát vagy egy finom csapot akar bemutatni, a tragus piercing mindig hűvös AF-nek tűnik.. Piercing 101: Minden, amit a Tragus piercingekről tudni kell. Egyik kedvencünk a tragus piercing, amely a történelem szempontjából egészen új, valószínűleg az 1980-as években látták először, mondja Jasmine Lewis piercing szakértő. Ennek ellenére a tragus továbbra is népszerű választás a fülpiercingek terén.A hírességeket Zoë Kravitztól Rihannán át Scarlett Johanssonig mind .. fáj egy tragus piercing? mit kell tudni a fájdalomról, a költségről és .. Fáj egy tragus piercing? Cassandra karas. A tragus piercing különbözik a hagyományos fülpiercingtől, mert egyszerűen hús helyett porccal foglalkozol. A tragus porcja vastagabb, és nagyobb nyomást igényel, mint egy szokásos piercing. Ez azonban nem jelenti azt, hogy nagyon fájdalmas lenne.. Hogyan szerezzünk Tragus piercinget és miért? Tippek【 2023】. # Hogyan szerezzünk Tragus piercinget és miért?【 2023 】 # Tippek a Tragus piercinghez és mit érdemes szem előtt tartani?【 2023 】 ENTER!!!. Tragus piercing szúrás - YouTube. A tragus, a forward és a daith piercing azok az "alvós piercingek" amiket már az első pillanattól kezdve imádni fogsz!Mit is jelent az hogy alvós pier.. Fül Piercingek - gyakran ismételt kérdések - LilaCsiga. Légy türelmes, tartsd tisztán a piercinged és pillanatok alatt túl leszel a kellemetlenségeken. Milyen testékszereket használhatok? Nyilván alig várod, hogy valami csavaros, köves, lógós, extra menő testékszert viselhess, de a gyógyulás alatt célszerű minél egyszerűbb piercingeket választani.. Tragus piercing - Wikipedia. A tragus piercing is the perforation of the tragus, which projects immediately in front of the ear canal, for the purpose of inserting and wearing a piece of jewelry. The piercing itself is usually made with a small gauge hollow piercing needle, and typical jewelry would be a small diameter captive bead ring or small gauge post style piercing .. Piercingek | Ekszer Eshop. DAITH (piercing az alsó porcba): A piercing egy kis részbe helyeződik, amely a tragus és felső kidomborodó porc között helyezkedik el. Ezen a fül részen a piercingek nagyon mutatósak, ha nagyobb átmérőjű karikát választunk, a gyógyulás idején karika vagy hajlított barbell típus ajánlott.. Fertőzött Tragus Piercing: tünetei, kezelése, és még több. Piercing a kis porc dudor a fül, az úgynevezett tragus, nőtt a népszerűsége. És miközben nézel egyszer meggyógyult, tragus piercing gyakran megfertőződhetnek. Ez azért lehet, mert lóg haj kiteszi piercing mentén a fül több baktériumot.. A Complete Guide to Tragus Piercings - Byrdie. A tragus piercing sits on the small area of cartilage that partially covers your ear canal. In terms of anatomy, the outer ear is made up of cartilage and skin.. The Tragus Piercing Explained - YouTube. Discover the charm of tragus piercing! 🌟 What exactly is the tragus, and what jewelry suits it best? Uncover the answers and get quick tips on caring for this stylish piercing

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. .more .. Tragus jelentése magyarul - DictZone. tragus jelentése, fordítása magyarul » DictZone Orvosi-Magyar szótár. DictZone. X. Orvosi-Magyar szótár » tragus jelentése magyarul. Orvosi Magyar; tragus: cáp fülcáp fülcsap fülcsap (cáp, fülcáp, porcos kiemelkedés a külső hallójárat előtt) fülszőr kecskebak Ammotragus .

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. Westend tattoo & piercing - Westend Tattoo & Piercing Budapest. Piercing Miért vagyunk mi a legjobb budapesti piercing szalon? Szalonunk közel 20 éve működik Budapest központjában, ahol piercingeseink a hét minden napján bejelentkezés nélkül azonnal behelyezik számodra az általad kiválasztott testékszert. Egyedülálló több ezer darabos ékszer kollekcióval rendelkezünk, melyek képeit megtekintheted weblapunkon, ahol szintén .


r/piercing on Reddit: Just got my tragus pierced. Earbuds are no longer .. Just got my tragus pierced. Earbuds are no longer my friends. What do you use? I finally got my tragus done today. It was way easier than my cartilage and helix piercings. It hasnt hurt at all since the poke: none of that weird heat or soreness or ache. Ive pretty much forgotten that its there.. The 16 Types of Ear Piercings: How to Choose Based on Pain and . - Byrdie. Pain Level: 9/10. Healing time: 4-6 months. Pierced horizontally through the inner rim of cartilage above the anti-tragus, the snug piercing gets its name from the "hug" in the folds of your ears. A snug piercing is also referred to as an anti-helix piercing and is considered the most painful of cartilage piercings.. Tragus Piercings: Benefits, Pain, Aftercare & More | Body Piercing Hub. Tragus piercings take about 3-6 months to fully heal. Like any cartilage piercing, tragus piercings take a significant amount of time to heal properly as cartilage doesnt regenerate as fast as skin tissue. Whilst it may seem healed and no longer be painful to touch, it takes much longer than you might realise to fully heal a wound from the .. Daith and Tragus Piercings for Migraine Pain: 6 Facts You Need To Know

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. Daith and tragus piercings are among the most talked about — and controversial — alternative therapies for migraine.Some people believe these cosmetic procedures — which involve piercing a small fold of cartilage near the opening of the outer ear — have benefits similar to acupuncture for migraine pain. Although theres no scientific or clinical evidence to support their use as a .. Tragus Jewelry - Etsy. Tragus Hoop Earring, Tragus Piercing, Ethnic 925 Silver Piercing, Tragus Jewelry, Silver Nose Ring, Gemstone Nose Ring, Nose Jewelry. (8.8k) $21.43. $28.58 (25% off) Sale ends in 11 hours. FREE shipping.. What Is a Tragus Piercing? Healing, Aftercare, and More. The tragus piercing is a cartilage piercing that appears in the triangular flap of cartilage in front of your ear canal. (When you plug your ears, it might be that little flap that you fold over to shut the sound out.) This teeny tiny piercing location is surprisingly versatile with its jewelry options, and the fact that its so small makes .. What to Know Before Getting a Tragus Piercing - POPSUGAR. Step 1: Thoroughly wash your hands. Step 2: Spray your piercings entrance and exit holes with a wound-wash saline solution. Step 3: Wipe any crusty discharge away from the jewelry with sterile .. Tragus Jewelry - Tragus Earrings, Hoops & Studs | FreshTrends. The tragus piercing prefers dainty jewelry that shines boldly enough to garner attention. Dainty styles require the utmost attention to detail in order to capture tiny intricacies and achieve the ultimate shine, even with the smallest gemstones. When you opt for FreshTrends tragus earring styles, you can sleep easy knowing that well always .. Tragus Piercings: Everything You Need to Know | Monica Vinader. A tragus piercing is a piercing that is located on the small piece of cartilage that covers the ear canal. In this way it is one type of cartilage piercing, opposed to the traditional position for earrings, lobe piercings that are located on the fleshy part of the ear. As the tragus is made of cartilage this area of the ear is tougher, however .. Strongly considering a tragus piercing. Advice? : r/piercing - Reddit. Stingy! The initial piercing can sting, and/ or it can sting later when you turn or move the jewelry, or if you bump it. Pretty standard for a piercing, but more of a sting and less of an ache, its cartilage. Your ear lobes are just flesh. The pain is a little different. If the piercer has never done a tragus, dont let them.. The Complete Guide to Getting an Anti-Tragus Piercing - Byrdie. Cost of an Anti-Tragus Piercing. Most salons will charge for the service as well as the cost of jewelry. Service costs are per piercing and start at $35 for one piercing. Anti-tragus piercing jewelry costs anywhere from $30 to $180 depending on jewelry style and material


Studs pierces with a curved 10mm barbell which retails for $40.. Tragus Earrings for Targus Piercings | Claires UK | Claires. Silver-tone Pastel Crystal Changeable Tragus Flat Back Earrings - 5 Pack. £12.00 £6.00. 50% Off. Delivery available. Add to Bag.. Rook Piercing 101: Everything You Need to Know - Byrdie. Placement: The upper part of the ear on the ridge between the outer and inner sections of the ear

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. Pricing: Between $30 and $80, though jewelry cost is not included. Pain level: 6/10 Healing time: A rook piercing typically heals within six to 12 months, according to piercer Rhianna Jones. Aftercare: Wash the piercing area gently with water and soap twice a day.. Can I Use A Stethoscope With A Tragus Piercing. Tragus piercings can show off your vitality and active nature. It can also demonstrate your self-confidence. The double tragus piercing is located in the same area as a single tragus piercing on the flap of cartilage that covers the ear canal. It is known as a more daring and active piercing due to its daring and active appearance.. DIAMOND 18G Flat Back Push-In Stud - Cartilage, Tragus, Lip, Nose. No Poking and No Snagging No painful poking to the back of your ear when you sleep Wear it 24/7 Day and Night Shower with it, sleep on it, swim in it. Hypoallergenic Nickel-free for those who are hypersensitive Ulta Low Profile Lays flat on your skin Versatile Can be worn in most cartilage (tragus, helix, conch, earlobe), lip (labret, monroe, medusa, cheek), and nose piercings This sparkling .. Advice Please? Tragus Piercing Not Healed After 2.5 Years. bg001x • Verified Piercer • 7 yr. ago. If at 2.5 years it hasnt healed there could be multiple issues including the quality of the jewelry, the angle that it was pierced at, and your general lifestyle. You need to find a new piercer if theyre just repeating themselves at this point. A tragus piercing should take 3-5 months to heal generally.. Bridge piercing szúrás - Westend Tattoo & Piercing Budapest. A bridge piercing jelentése "híd", mely elnevezés az ékszer elhelyezkedésére utal, amely hídként köti össze a két szem vonalát átívelve az orrnyereg felett. Szúráshoz a hajlított szárú ékszert javasoljuk, mert ezzel gyógyul a leggyorsabban és viselése a legkényelmesebb. Egymás alá több bridge piercing is behelyezhető.. How To Properly Mark & Pierce A Tragus!! - YouTube

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. 💎Jewelry, Styling, Piercings, Support: SUBSCRIBE PREVIOUS VLOGS: Tragus Piercings for Migraine Relief? - Axon Optics. The theory behind tragus piercings for migraine is that they stimulate the vagus nerve, thereby alleviating migraine headaches. Vagus nerve stimulation has been shown to help conditions like epilepsy and depression, but claims surrounding migraine relief are all anecdotal. The idea is similar to acupuncture, where its thought that .. Body Jewelry Symbolism - A Complete Guide | Spencers Online. The piercing has more symbolism than the jewelry you choose, and most people opt for a silver, gold or small, jeweled stud. Tragus piercings: The Cancer crab zodiac sign. The tragus piercing may be known for its delicate and unusual placement, but very few people know that its actually a symbol for the Cancer zodiac sign, also known as the crab.. The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Caring for Your Tragus Piercing .. Cleaning your tragus piercing is essential for avoiding infection and promoting healing. To clean your tragus piercing, you should use a saline solution or a non-iodized sea salt solution twice a day. Soak the area for five to ten minutes, and then gently pat it dry. You can also use a Q-tip or cotton swab to clean the area around the piercing.. Types of Ear Piercings - Guide to Ear Piercing Placement | Allure. The ear shown above houses multiple piercings (from top to bottom: Flat, Helix, Tragus, Two-for-One/Snake Bite, Stacked Lobes), but were here to talk about what Lisa Bubbers, co-founder of ear .. Ear piercings - 14 piercing types and how painful they are - Cosmopolitan. Forward helix piercing. A forward helix piercing is made in the outer rim of your ear (the helix) at the top of the rim just above the tragus, it can often be quite painful as it is made through .. 10 Types of Ear Piercings How Painful They Are, Cost & Healing Time. The helix piercing adds a touch of flair to your upper ear. This one is slightly more uncomfortable but well worth it for the stylish look it provides. 3. Tragus Piercing. Placement: Found on the small, pointed cartilage in front of the ear canal. Pain Level: Moderate - A noticeable pinch. Cost: £30-£60 (per ear) Healing Time: 3-6 months. Antitragus - Wikipedia. Lateral surface. The antitragus is a feature of mammalian ear anatomy. In humans, it is a small tubercle on the visible part of the ear, the pinna. The antitragus is located just above the earlobe and points anteriorly. It is separated from the tragus by the intertragic notch . The antitragicus muscle, an intrinsic muscle of the ear, arises .. Tragus Piercing - Etsy. Double tragus piercings can be fitted with a spiral hoop that loops through both holes, or with a set earrings worn side by side. Tragus jewelry materials. Etsy sellers make earrings for tragus piercings in all sorts of designs and materials, including silver, gold, and platinum. For sensitive ears, consider stainless steel, 14 karat gold, or .. The Ultimate Guide to Ear Cartilage Piercings. Before you get your cartilage piercings, get all your information of the different types of ear piercings here! This guide includes information about the most common c artilage piercings including the helix, forward helix, daith, conch, rook, tragus, anti-tragus, snug, orbital and industrial piercings. You want the end result of your ear curations to have piercing jewelry that compliments .. How To Pierce Your Tragus At Home - Sweetandspark. After gently pulling the stud back, insert it into the center of your ear. To loosen them, you must first screw the Tragus balls to the left and then to the right. A tight right hand should be kept loose, and a loose left hand should be kept loose. This is the story of how a tragus piercing changed my life.. Tragus Piercing: Everything You Want To Know 2021 - Grazia Daily. 1. Helix & Conch Bloque 9k Solid Yellow Gold Jewelled Baguette And Solitaire Internally Threaded Single Labret Stud. 2. Claires Silver 16G Cubic Zirconia Arrow Tragus Stud Earring. 3. The Alkemistry London Kismet by Milka 14ct rose gold and diamond blade screw flatback. 4. Lark & Berry Shooting Star Diamond Crawler Stud Earring.. Conch piercing szúrás (Shell) - Westend Tattoo. A teljes gyógyulásig kezelje az ékszer körül napi 2-3 alkalommal fül piercing kezelésére kifejlesztett géllel! Napi 10-15 perc kamilla teás borogatással gyorsítani tudja a piercing gyógyulását. Ha a már meggyógyult piercinget megrántja, beleakad vele valamibe és ettől az begyullad, újra kezdje el az előbbiekben leírt .


Tattoo and Piercing Laws **All US States** Protect Yourself - BodyCandy. Texas. - Parent or legal guardian must be present during a piercing procedure. - Minors need written consent PLUS the presence of the parent or legal guardian to receive a tattoo. - Tattoo can only be performed if it is to cover an undesirable/offensive tattoo and only if the parent/guardian believes it to be in the best interest for the minor.. Everything You Wanted To Know About the Tragus Piercing - Pierced. Whether youre a piercing enthusiast or just looking to enhance your ear aesthetics, tragus piercings offer a unique and captivating look

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. In this comprehensive guide, Pierced presents a detailed overview of tragus piercings, covering everything from the procedure to aftercare, to help you make an informed decision and ensure a successful .. When can i change jewelry in my Tragus piercings? Tragus piercing .. A tragus piercings healing time REALLY varies from person to person. It can be anywhere from 3 months to a year. It depends on what side you sleep on, how you clean it, whether or not it gets touched often, etc. Plus, people just heal at different rates. My fiancee, for example, heals any given cut, scrape, or piercing twice as fast as I do!. The Coolest Types of Ear Piercings to Try in 2023 | Glamour. Styles like the tragus piercing and the mid-helix piercing give the same edgy illusion without having to worry about fuss. Instagram | @mariatash. 26/31. Forward Helix Piercing.. Tragus Earring - Etsy UK

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. Tragus Earring Price starting from. 1. Tiny Hydrangea Bouquet CZ Stud Earrings in Sterling Silver, Silver, Gold or Rose Gold, Three CZ Flower Earrings, CZ Cluster Earrings. £8.65. 2. Extra Tiny Hydrangea Flower CZ Huggie Hoop Earrings in Sterling Silver, Silver or Gold, Green, Blue, Pink, Purple or Clear CZ.. Body Piercings - The Complete Guide - The Inspo Spot - Spencers. A horizontal piercing that is placed at the inner ridge of the ear cartilage, above the anti-tragus. This piercing goes through the antihelix as well, but its a little further toward the middle of the cartilage. Tragus Piercing. A piercing through the tragus, which is a section of cartilage located directly in front of the ear canal opening.. 9 Types of Ear Piercings, From Lobes to Cartilage | Allure. 2. Two-for-One (aka Snake Bite) The ear shown above houses multiple piercings (from top to bottom: Flat, Helix, Tragus, Two-for-One/Snake Bite, Stacked Lobes), but were here to talk about what .


5 Things To Know Before Getting A Tragus Piercing - YouTube. We share 5 Things To Know Before Getting A Tragus Piercing. If youre thinking about getting this piercing this is a great video to watch.SUBSCRIBE .. Tragus Piercing Aftercare & Healing | Most tragus piercings will take roughly around 2-3 months to heal. Everybody heals differently though and at different rates

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. Once youve gone past the 2-3 months and experienced 2-3 weeks without seeing any crust or discharge, and havent seen any redness or .. Encyclopedia of Body Piercings: Vertical Tragus Surface Piercing. vertical tragus surface piercing. Location: through the flesh above and/or adjacent to the cartilage of the tragus. Jewelry: initially, a surface bar will be used ranging from 18 gauge (1mm) to 14 gauge (1.6mm) in thickness with the length varying depending on the ears anatomy. Healing: total healing time is usually from 3 to 9 months; can be .. TOP 10 BEST Tragus Piercing in Los Angeles, CA - Yelp. See more reviews for this business. Top 10 Best Tragus Piercing in Los Angeles, CA - December 2023 - Yelp - Ancient Adornments Body Piercing, Envy Body Piercing, Studio City Tattoo, Atomic Tattoo & Body Piercing, Oak & Poppy Tattoos And Piercings, Body Electric, Aesthetic Ambition Piercing and Fine Jewelry, Pierce your Soul, Timeless Tattoo .. Infected Tragus Piercing: Symptoms, Treatment, and More - Healthline. redness. slight heat or warmth. clear or light yellow discharge. Although your piercing wont be completely healed for about eight weeks, these symptoms shouldnt last more than a week or two .. The Whole Truth - Tragus Piercing - YouTube. ==Everything you need to know about the Tragus Piercing==How much does it Hurt?Where should it be placed?How long does it take to heal?What are the common pr.. Most Painful Piercings to Least Painful: What You Should Know - Healthline. Some less common ear piercings hurt more because the cartilage is thicker and more nerve dense, such as: daith piercing. rook piercing. conch piercing. Some ear piercings can fully heal in less .. The Ultimate Guide to Ear Piercing Healing Times. Tragus Piercing Healing Time. The tragus piercings go on the tiny piece of cartilage on the outside of your ear canal. Its about a medium on the pain scale since its a thicker piece of cartilage, and can take up to eight months to heal. This is best for people who want to experiment outside the box of the usual lobe and helix piercings and .. How To Clean Your Tragus Piercing - Sweetandspark. Here are a few tips on how to clean your tragus piercing: 1. Use a mild soap and water to clean the area around your piercing twice a day. Be sure to rinse the soap off completely. 2. Use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide to clean the inside of your piercing once a day. 3..